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Legal note Boutique San Antonio Hotel

Legal note Hotel in Cali

San Antonio Hotel Boutique informs all the users of its website that when accessing the website they accept the use policies and commit to use them, complying with the regulations on force, and not to use the information provided herein for illegal purposes that may affect the chain or its clients.

The information provided herein is of institutional and informative use. It has been published to inform our guests about the hotels, experiences, promotions, destinations where we are present, fidelity plan, location of our hotels, access to the social networks, register to the newsletter and about other products and services the Inntu Hotel provides through the internet.

The reproduction, copy, distribution, communication and/or modification without prior authorisation by the San Antonio Hotel Boutique of the contents of the pages (texts, photographies, videos, images, brands, marketing claims, trade names, logos and/or design) and of other elements provided in this website is totally forbidden.

San Antonio Hotel Boutique accepts no responsibility for the availability or continuity of the products provided to the user by the website, or of the information provided herein. All the services and products offered or sold on this website are subject to the applicable legislation according to their nature and to the terms and conditions, including the restrictions and conditions of use established by the chain.

The conditions of access and use here described and the conflicts that may derive from their interpretation, use or application are subject to the Colombian law and to the special norms on the matter applicable, and they will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Colombian courts.

In case you have any question, request or suggestion regarding the information provided or in case you want to inform of any mistake, lack of information or of clarity or of the validity of the information provided, we provide you with the contact details of this website.